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Tender  Enquiry for the procurement of Liquid Chromatography system     (To be opened on 15/04/2025) ( (PDF, 2.9MB)

Tender  Enquiry for the procurement of  high speed diesel   (To be opened on 25/03/2025) ( (PDF, 460MB)

Pre-bid meeting for procurement of the Liquid Chromatography system  ( on 11/03/2025) ( (PDF, 1.58MB)

Rate Enquiry for procurement of Equine serum albumin  (To be opened on 25/02/2025) ( (PDF, 1.71MB)

Rate enquiry for  checking,repair/maintenance &obtaining of license to operate the boilers (To be opened on 28/01/2025) ( (PDF, 4.21MB)

Rate enquiry for Antirabies vaccine (To be opened on 31/12/2024) ( (PDF, 1.69MB)

Rate enquiry for cutting of trees (To be opened on 24/12/2024) ( (PDF, 620KB)

Hiring services of Pickup type vehicle (To be opened on 17/12/2024) ( (PDF, 2.08MB)

Pre-bid meeting for procurement of filter press (To be opened on 11/12/2024) ( (PDF, 1.28MB)

Tender to run canteen (To be opened on 27/11/2024) ( (PDF, 1.10MB)

Rate Enquiry for Antirabies vaccine (To be opened on 19/11/2024) ( (PDF, 1.98MB)



Rate Enquiry for hiring service for lifting of animal solid waste (To be opened on 08/11/2024) ( (PDF, 1.30MB)

Rate Enquiry for Thiomersal (To be opened on 01/10/2024) ( (PDF, 1.34MB)

Rate Enquiry for E. coli standard strains (To be opened on 30/07/2024) ( (PDF, 1.61MB)

Expression of Interest (Non-Financial) for Planning, Creation and Execution of cGMP compliant facility for Antisera Production and other Allied Facilities (PDF, 2.16MB)


* Tenders/quotations older than 15 days from the date of closing  may be downloaded from Archives