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Milestones of C.R.I., Kasauli

1906 Serum for treatment of snake bite and vaccine development for typhoid fever
1911 Development of neural tissue Rabies vaccine by Sir David Semple.
Establishment of Central Malaria Bureau. Development of neural tissue rabies vaccine (Semple vaccine)
1912 Establishment of Headquarters of the Indian Research Fund Association (A forerunner of the Present ICMR)
1913 Establishment of ICMR Library
1914 Production of Anti Cholera vaccine
1924 Appointment of Director as the Editor of Indian Journal of Medical Research
1938 Establishment of Malaria Institute at Delhi and major works connected with malaria transferred.
1939 Merger of Pasteur Institute of India, Kasauli along with Drumbar Estate with CRI.
1948 Establishment of Microfilm and photocopying Unit of ICMR.
1953 Training courses for Diagnosis, prevention and Treatment of Rabies was started.
Production of Diphtheria Antitoxin (DAT)
1954 Production of Tetanus Antitoxin (TAT)
1955 Production of Antirabic serum
Establishment of Independent Section of Biological Standardization and Quality Control Section.
1958 Establishment of National Salmonella and Escherichia Centre and National Collection of Type Cultures.
Establishment of Yellow Fever Vaccine Production.
Establishment of Influenza Unit
1959 Recognition for M.D., Ph.D. in Microbiology affiliated to Punjab University
1959-60 Cost Accounting on commercial lines for different products was started.
1961 Establishment of Triple Vaccine Division.
B.Sc. (Hons.) course in Microbiology affiliated to Punjab University was started.
Indian Journal of Medical Research work was shifted to Delhi.
1966 Production of AKD Typhoid vaccine.
1972 Production of BPL Inactivated Antirabic Vaccine
1973 B.Sc. & M.Sc. courses in Microbiology Affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University were started.
1974 Establishment of SPF Animal Breeding House.
Transfer of ICMR Library to Delhi
1976 Lady Linlithgow Sanitarium Estate was taken over for establishment of Research and Training Wing.
Training course for Drugs Control Officers was restarted.
1977 Establishment of Measles Unit.
Recognition of Influenza Unit by WHO as National Influenza Centre.
1978 Installation of Fermentors and other sophisticated equipments for large scale production of DTP group of vaccines
1979 M. Phil. course in Microbiology Affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University was started.
Transfer of Polio Vaccine Testing laboratory from NICD, Delhi to CRI, Kasauli.
1980 First National Vaccine Course was organized
1982 Indo-Japanese Collaborative Project for production of Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine was started.
1983 First National course on quality control of vaccines and sera was organized.
1987 Recognized as WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Testing for vaccines used in EPI Programme.
Release of first batch of JE Vaccine for volunteers.
Supply of Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines to Assam, West Bengal, U.P. and A.P. under supervision.
2005 Independent status of Central Drugs Laboratory
2006 C.R.I. Centenary celebration
2007 First time to meet the targets in time for DTP group of vaccines for UIP
Initiation of Vero cell based J.E. Vaccine
Expansion of Influenza Surveillance Centre
Expansion of Antisera Division shifted to R&T Wing
Expansion & upgradation of Central Drugs Laboratory.
Recognition of CDL as a WHO Global Training Network Centre
2008 The production license of CRI was suspended on 15 Jan, 2008
Ph.D. in Microbiology affiliated to H.P. University was revived and scientists registered.
An additional Library at R&T Wing was established.
2009 Installation of BSL-3 for Avian Influenza Surveillance
Creation of New R&D section in the erstwhile ARV Block.
Establishment of New Experimental Animal House for CDL
Renovation of Administrative Block provided with Modern Office Gadgets and computers.
A new canteen was opened in R&T Wing.
Creation of Equine Clinical Laboratory.
Renewal of license for diagnostic reagents.
2010 Sanction for the renovation of cGMP compliant DPT production facilities.
Visit of Hon’ble Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, in connection with new cGMP facilities at CRI.
Installation of BSL-3 Laboratory Diagnostic Facility for H5N1, H1N1 and related influenza virus.
Hosted the 10th IAVI conference.
Revocation of suspension of Vaccine Manufacturing License of the Institute which was under suspension w.e.f. January, 2008.
Accreditation of CDL by NABL.
April 2010
March 2011.
The Treatment Centre was expanded to accommodate three beds, a minor OT, separate room for the Traction machine and the Clinical Laboratory is expanded to accommodate the increase load of testing.
The central Instrumentation and Analytical Laboratory gains NABL accreditation on the 28th of the June 2010 for the period of one and half years.
Renovation of cGMP compliant facility for the production of DTP group of vaccine was finally realized in the month of May, 2010 and work commenced.
Procurement of various equipments and machinery that are essential in ensuring cGMP compliance was initiated
Training of staff which forms a vital link in ensuring compliance was also addressed during the year.
April 2011
March 2012
Renovation and up-gradation of cGMP compliant DTP facility is in the final stage of completion.
All major equipments and machinery are installed and OQ was in progress.
Treatment centre was equipped with Short-wave diathermy and Oxygen concentrated.
CRI vaccines were labeled with VVM for the first time
Acetone killed freeze dried typhoid (AKD) vaccine production stopped.
QA division shifted in AKD block.
April 2012
March 2013
cGMP compliant DTP facility completed.
Joint Inspection was held on 16th & 17th Dec., 2012 for approval of New DTP Vaccine block and permission for consistency & commercial batches was granted by the DCGI.
A new VIP guest house block completed in main CRI campus.
Work on the rain water harvesting tank in main CRI campus started by IPH Deptt. of H.P.
April 2013
March 2014
Trial runs for production of DTP group of vaccines have been successfully completed.
April 2014
March 2015
CRI is recognized as Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Training in Microbiology by Himachal Pradesh University.
Steps initiated for production of consistency batches in the new DPT facility.
April 2016
March 2017
The new GMP compliant DPT facility was inaugurated on 24th April. 2016
First ever website of the institute designed and launched (
Six commercial batches of Tetanus Toxoid vaccine (adsorbed) IP manufactured at the new cGMP facility
Institute started skill-development one-year certificate course in Production of Immurenobiologicals& Animal Care?, affiliated to the State Council of Vocational Training, Himachal Pradesh with registration of 25 candidates.
National workshop and serotyping of Salmonella and Escherichiacoli was conducted successfully with participation of 32 participants from all over the country as well as internal students.
MoU has been signed with HPU, Shimla for research.
Biometric attendance System (AE-BAS)implemented and executed successfully.
April 2017
March 2018
Process of introduction of Td vaccine in existing product portfolio initiated. We have obtained test license from DCGI for manufacturing of Td vaccine for test and analysis purpose.
The first batch of the one-year certificate course in Production of Immunobiologicals& Animal Care?, affiliated to SCVT, H.P. passes out and the strength of the candidates enhanced from 25 to 50 candidates.
Polio testing laboratory awarded with the highest-grade in WHO inspection.
Implementation of Pharmacovigilance program at CRI.
CRI been recognized as Surveillance centre for Zika virus infection in humans, India.
April 2018
March 2019
Establishment of independent pharmacovigilance division at CRI.
Waiver obtained for animal toxicological studies and clinical trials for Td vaccine.
NOC Obtained for Post Approval Change for the manufacturing of Diphtheria toxoid bulk, Inactivated Bordetella Pertussis bulk antigens and TT vaccine.
April 2019
March 2020
The Institute has initiated the Commercial manufacturing and supply of the DPT vaccine to UIP from new cGMP facility.
April 2020
March 2021
Establishment of ICMR approved COVID testing Laboratory at CRI.
The Institute has initiated the development of therapeutic antisera for COVID-19 in collaboration with ICMR-NIV.